By Muntazir Abbas
NEW DELHI: India’s green telecom ride continues to be bumpy. Or rather, a non-starter! Painpoints outweigh. Deliverables are diluted. The need to reduce carbon footprint is more convincing now than ever. Going back, a decade ago, or to be precise, it was January 2012. Targets and deadlines were devised to reduce carbon emission through energy-efficient equipment and renewable energy technologies. Thanks to the sector watchdog, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India for putting forward its views that were finally accepted by the Department of Telecommunications.
Initially, the department mandated 20 per cent urban and 50 per cent rural towers to be turned into hybrid power — a combination of grid and renewable energy by 2015 — and a total power consumption at each of the sites should not breach 500W by 2020.
Directions that were issued to the licensees or telecom service providers with ‘immediate’ effect, received a lukewarm response, and even after several years, a partial on-ground implementation seems to be a distant dream, albeit, the mandatory targets were soon waned.
But, has the situation changed since then? Not much, many would say, but industry may argue. With going green coming back to the spotlight, the need to have a policy framework in place, has become more relevant.
India, under the Paris agreement on climate change, has pledged certain ambitious goals but no sector-specific targets were indicated so far. The country aspires
–To cut India’s total projected carbon emission by 1 billion tonnes by 2030
-Reduce the carbon intensity of the nation’s economy by less than 45% by the end of the decade,
-Net-zero carbon emissions by 2070
In 2017, the telecom regulator had suggested that renewable energy technologies or RET adoption should be made on a voluntary basis, and the feasibility and viability should be considered for deployment. Further, it advocated the Carbon Credit policy.
Industry-led initiatives
The torchbearer of telecom tower firms, the Digital Infrastructure Providers Association (Dipa) believes that as compared to 2012, the industry and the country, as a whole, is better equipped and informed for achieving green telecom targets. The initial targets were encompassed within the unified license agreement and on the basis of that the industry collectively voiced their concerns to the regulatory authority.
The sector has transitioned more than 100,000 towers to diesel-free sites which are merely 15% of the overall 700,000 tower locations, and are now considered as ‘green sites’ as they burn less than 100 litres of diesel in a week. In addition, an initiative towards conversion of indoor sites to outdoor has been taken where nearly 50% of the tower sites have been converted, receiving natural ventilation, and no longer required air conditioning units for maintaining safe-operation temperatures.
It’s a feat achieved by infrastructure providers, as they call it.
By imbibing the renewable energy service company (RESCO) model which essentially supplies green energy to tower clusters, and shifting towards complete usage of lithium-Ion batteries instead of valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries, the telecom carriers are better placed to affirm their environmental responsibility.
The concept of photovoltaic (PV) sunsites, which are essentially solar-powered base transreceiver (BTS) stations, has started to emerge in the telecom infrastructure space.
Policies on Sustainable Telecommunications –
The National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP) 2018 talks on promoting and incentivising deployment of solar and green energy for telecom towers.
The Trai‘s recommendations on the approach towards sustainable telecom which were accepted by the department, and issued a direction to all licensees for compliance in 2019. These include
Reduction of average carbon emission intensity to at least 40% by 2022-23
Adoption of voluntary code of practice for sustainable development
Usage of green passport certified products in telecom networks
Telecommunications Engineering Centre to setup testing and certification framework and structure
Energy consumption rating and energy passport
Setting up of a green passport laboratory
With a renewed industry focus, some of the key drivers to propel green telecom includes reduction in operational cost (opex) of telecom networks by cutting on fuel consumption that has risen sharply, and instead substituting renewable or solar-powered alternatives which are increasingly becoming cost-friendly, and apparently more suitable for rural expansion due to poor power availability.
With the fifth generation (5G) technology-backed networks coming into play, the need to go green has become unavoidable for the telecom sector.
Telcos 5G foray is likely to increase the network energy consumption by more than 150% worldwide by 2026 driven by small cell deployments, according to a research firm EY study.
To optimise electricity usage through non-conventional sources of energy, infrastructure providers are moving toward energy-efficient solutions such as energy storage applications that can provide 20-25% of annual savings in current fuel costs to the operators.
Renewable energy solutions
The telecom tower industry is aggressively aiming to use alternative energy resources to reduce its dependency on diesel. Since the RET ecosystem has matured, it makes business sense to deploy it with solar, wind and biomass solutions gaining traction in the telecom industry.
Lithium-ion battery
Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries deliver high power density, deep cycling capability and a service life much longer than that of lead acid batteries. Li-Ion batteries require relatively low maintenance and ultimately deliver the lowest total cost of ownership.
Use of natural gas to power telecom infrastructure
The Centre has set a target for utilisation of natural gas to the tune of 15% in the Indian fuel basket from the current level of ~5% by 2030. This requires the replacement of the existing diesel generator set would result in reduction of carbon footprint, and can make infrastructure more sustainable.
Whilst the policymakers set out a preordained green agenda, the industry, in all its strength, should pre-empt and workaround, for environmentally-responsible and sustainable telecom networks.
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